Background. Modified potato starch is used as a thickener in foods or as a dessert component. Modification by oxidizing causes production of carboxyl radicals, which can bind elements in the coordination manner, inside starch granules. Zinc is one of the most essential microelements in the human body, and therefore the objective of our research was to determine the level of zinc adsorption from modified oxidized starch, to examine the changes in the starch’s functional properties and the possibilities of using the starch for manufacturing dry mixes of milk desserts such as puddings.
Conclusions. The best organoleptic properties were described for the dessert for which one portion contains approx. 7.5 mg of zinc, which is 50% RDA for an adult person.
MLA | Śmigielska, Hanna, and Joanna Le Thanh-Blicharz. "Research on zinc fortified potato starch and on its use in dessert production." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 9.2 (2010): 217-226. |
APA | Śmigielska H., Le Thanh-Blicharz J. (2010). Research on zinc fortified potato starch and on its use in dessert production. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 9 (2), 217-226 |
ISO 690 | ŚMIGIELSKA, Hanna, THANH-BLICHARZ, Joanna Le. Research on zinc fortified potato starch and on its use in dessert production. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2010, 9.2: 217-226. |