Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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original articleIssue 24 (1) 2025 pp. 133-144

Yi-Lin Lau1, Chee Kiong Siew2, Jumardi Rosland2, Ai Ling Ho2, Yanty Noorzianna Abdul Manaf3, Jahurul Haque Akanda4, Pei-Teng Chan2, Jau-Shya Lee2

1Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Food Security Research Laboratory, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Halal Research Group, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, USA

Effects of inulin and xanthan gum on the physical, digestibility, sensory and nutritional properties of sugar-free green banana flour biscuit


Background. Sweet biscuits are one of the most popular snacks in the world, but the long-term consumption of sucrose-containing high-glycaemic index (GI) biscuits can contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes and car­diovascular disease. The present work explored the possibility of producing a sugar-free biscuit using green Saba banana flour, which has been reported to have a lower GI than wheat flour.
Material and methods. A 2 × 3 factorial design was used to investigate the effects of xanthan gum (0% and 1%) and inulin (0%, 25% and 50%) on a sugar-free biscuit made of Saba green banana flour. The quality of the biscuits was analysed in terms of water activity, geometric indices, texture, in vitro digestibility and esti­mated GI. A sensory evaluation was carried out to determine the changes caused by hydrocolloid modulation and to assess the acceptance of the sugar-free biscuits.
Results. The hydrocolloids notably affected the quality of the sugar-free biscuits, with greater positive effects observed as the levels of both ingredients increased. Comparatively, inulin had a more pronounced influence than xanthan gum in modifying the properties of the biscuits. The sugar-free biscuit with the highest sensory evaluation score (1% xanthan gum and 50% inulin) contained more dietary fibre and had a lower GI and glycaemic load (GL) than the sugar-containing control.
Conclusions. This study demonstrates the feasibility of producing a healthier, sugar-free biscuit with an im­proved starch digestion profile using inulin and xanthan gum. However, further improvements to the texture of the sugar-free biscuit are required. Future studies could investigate the relationship between dough rheol­ogy, biscuit structure and sensory perceptions to uncover more insights for product improvement.

Keywords: Sugar-free biscuit, inulin, xanthan gum, green banana flour, glycaemic index, glycaemic load
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For citation:

MLA Lau, Yi-Lin, et al. "Effects of inulin and xanthan gum on the physical, digestibility, sensory and nutritional properties of sugar-free green banana flour biscuit." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 24.1 (2025): 133-144.
APA Lau Y.-L., Siew C. K., Rosland J., Ho A. L., Manaf Y. N. A., Akanda J. H., Chan P.-T., Lee J.-S. (2025). Effects of inulin and xanthan gum on the physical, digestibility, sensory and nutritional properties of sugar-free green banana flour biscuit. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 24 (1), 133-144
ISO 690 LAU, Yi-Lin, et al. Effects of inulin and xanthan gum on the physical, digestibility, sensory and nutritional properties of sugar-free green banana flour biscuit. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2025, 24.1: 133-144.