Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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original articleIssue 22 (4) 2023 pp. 375-384

Anastasiia Tokar1, Iryna Haidai1, Oksana Yushyna1, Maryna Bilko2, Nadiia Zahorko3, Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi4

1Department of Food Technologies, Uman National University of Horticulture,Uman, Ukraine
Department of Biotechnology of Fermentation Products and Winemaking, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Department of Food Technology and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State, Agrotechnological University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Department Technology of Storage, Processing and Standardizations of Planting Products by Professor B.V. Lesik, National, University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine

The formation of natural fruit and berry wine from jostaberries


Background. Jostaberry is a berry crop which is rich in bioflavonoids and ascorbic acid; it has a pleasant aroma and taste, and can be a good raw material for the production of natural fruit and berry wines. Jostaberries have not been sufficiently studied in the scientific sphere as far as their processing into natural wines is concerned. The studies presented in this paper explore the quality, biological value, and aroma of jostaberries and some aspects of the technology used to process them.
Material and methods. The materials were jostaberries grown in the conditions of the Central Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine, must in the process of fermentation, and wine from jostaberries with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol not lower than 14%. Before fermentation, the must from jostaberries had a titrated acid content which was not higher than 8.3 g/dm3 and a sugar content (in terms of inverts) of 242 g/dm3.
Results. The duration of must fermentation was set at 52 days. For the purpose of timely and objective control over the must fermentation process, an equation was developed which allowed the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol during the fermentation process to be calculated with an accuracy of 0.65% using the parabola equation, and the intensity of the accumulation of ethyl alcohol to be calculated according to its derivative. It had already been established that jostaberries were rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin C, and the suggested technology for processing them made it possible to preserve polyphenolic substances and vitamin C in the wine as much as possible. Pomegranate proved to be a dominant descriptor in the aroma of jostaberry wine.
Conclusion. The presented studies show the prospects for processing jostaberries into natural wines, the latter being a high-quality and biologically valuable food product.

Keywords: jostaberries, natural wine, fermentation, aroma, polyphenols, ascorbic acid
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For citation:

MLA Tokar, Anastasiia, et al. "The formation of natural fruit and berry wine from jostaberries." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 22.4 (2023): 375-384.
APA Tokar A., Haidai I., Yushyna O., Bilko M., Zahorko N., Voitsekhivskyi V. (2023). The formation of natural fruit and berry wine from jostaberries. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 22 (4), 375-384
ISO 690 TOKAR, Anastasiia, et al. The formation of natural fruit and berry wine from jostaberries. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2023, 22.4: 375-384.