Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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Issue 22 (1) 2023

January - March 2023
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Contents Issue 22 (1) 2023 - Contents
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original article
Milk quality determined using chemical analysis and microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry as a function of seasonality in two conventional Italian dairy farms
Grazia Pastorelli, Michele Scarano, Marisanna Speroni, Everaldo Attard
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 5-12; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_1_2023full text
original article
Quality evaluation of waffles produced from the partial replacement of wheat flour with green banana flour and potato starch
Tran Ngoc Giau, Nguyen Minh Thuy, Vo Quoc Tien, Ngo Van Tai
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 13-21; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_1_2023full text
original article
Visceral adiposity index as a predictor of insulin resistance in women with and without metabolic syndrome
Anna Koperska, Agnieszka Wesołek, Monika Szulińska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 23-32; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_1_2023full text
original article
Effect of soaking and adding glutamic acid and phytase enzyme simultaneously on improving GABA content and reducing phytic acid content of germinated Huyet Rong brown rice (Vietnam)
Ho Thi Ngan Ha
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 33-42; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_1_2023full text
original article
Improvement of shelf-life and nutrient quality of tomatoes and eggplant fruits using chitosan-starch composite coat
Ifeanyi Famous Ossamulu, Helmina Oluwafunmilayo Akanya, Evans Chidi Egwim, Adamu Yusuf Kabiru
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 43-55; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_1_2023full text
original article
Nanoencapsulation by ionic gelation of polyphenols from artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) residues using ultrasound
Miguel A. Quispe Solano, José A. Pacheco Valenzuela, Clara R. Espinoza Silva, Becquer F. Camayo Lapa, Alex Rubén Huamán de la Cruz, Galia M. Manyari Cervantes, Denis D. Corilla Flores
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 57-69; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_1_2023full text
original article
Gac aril and gum xanthan supplementation in wheat macaroni pasta production
Nguyen Minh Thuy, Nguyen Thi Tieu Phung, Tran Ngoc Giau, Vo Quoc Tien, Ngo Van Tai, Vo Quang Minh
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 71-80; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_1_2023full text
original article
Optimization of camel milk coagulation: the use of coagulants of microbiological and plant origin
Omar Ait El Alia, Yassine Zine-Eddine, Nouhaila Ajbli, Fouzia Kzaiber, Abdelkhalek Oussama, Khalid Boutoial
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 81-91; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_1_2023full text
original article
Study on preparation technology for mango sour beer
Juan Yang, Daxiang Li, Xiaojun Hu, Biaoshi Wang, Xiaoshi Zhou, Zihao He, Tao Cheng
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 93-102; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_1_2023full text
original article
Comparison of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity during development and storage of dau Ha Chau (Baccaurea Ramiflora Lour.) fruit of Vietnam
Nguyen Hong Xuan, Nguyen Cong Ha
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(1); 103-111; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_1_2023full text

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Issue 22 (2) 2023

April - June 2023
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Contents Issue 22 (2) 2023 - Contents
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original article
Comparative elucidation of garlic peeling methods and positioning of quality characteristics using principal component analysis
Prem Prakash, Kamlesh Prasad
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 119-131; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_2_2023full text
original article
Optimization of the osmotic dehydration process for improving the quality of vacuum-fried “Vinh Chau” shallots at the pilot stage
Ngo Van Tai, Nguyen Minh Thuy
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 133-141; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_2_2023full text
original article
Physical characteristics and the effect of soaking on mineral concentration in rice varieties associated with human health risks
Ramal Ahmed Mustafa
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 143-157; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_2_2023full text
original article
Chemical profile and antioxidants property of Eryngium foetidum L. leaves – use of HPLC methods to optimize extracting solvents to be used in functional food development
Shanthirasekaram Kokilananthan, Vajira P. Bulugahapitiya, Harshi Manawadu, Chinthaka Sanath Gangabadage
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 159-168; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_2_2023full text
original article
Phase diagram combined with improved fuzzy support vector machine for rapid and nondestructive detection of Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning
Wei Jiang, Yao Liu, Fu Qiao, Zhongyan Liu, Jianfang Xiong, Shaogeng Zeng
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 169-181; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_2_2023full text
original article
Assessment of nutrition and nutritional status parameters in hemodialysis patients
Roksana Jurczak-Amroziewicz, Julita Reguła, Aneta Wołodkiewicz
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 183-192; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_2_2023full text
review article
Traditional fermented foods in Anatolia
Pınar Şanlibaba, Başar Uymaz Tezel
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 193-215; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_2_2023full text
original article
Desislava Vlahova-Vangelova, Desislav Balev, Nikolay Kolev, Velizar Stoyanov
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 217-225; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_2_2023full text
original article
Effects of heating process on kinetic degradation of anthocyanin and vitamin C on hardness and sensory value of strawberry soft candy
Minh Tri Nhan, Diep Kim Quyen
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(2); 227-236; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_2_2023full text

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Issue 22 (3) 2023

July - September 2023
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Contents Issue 22 (3) 2023 - Contents
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original article
Development and stability optimisation of composite cerealbased meal replacement
Minghuan Du, Ling Zhao, Jiaqi Liu, Yiting Zheng, Hongli Zhou, Xin Sui
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 243-256; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_3_2023full text
original article
Comparative analysis of the chemical composition, functional-technological, rheological, and antioxidant properties of wild boar meat (Sus scrofa) with DFD properties and industrial pork
Nataliia Volodymyrivna Bozhko, Vasyl Ivanovich Tischenko, Vasyl Mykolayovich Pasichnyi, Andrii Ivanovich Marinin, Yuliia Anatoliivna Matsuk
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 257-266; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_3_2023full text
original article
Physico-chemical and sensory characterization of camel milk yogurt enriched with persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit
Omar Ait El Alia, Yassine Zine-Eddine, Salah Chaji, Said Souhassou, Fouzia Kzaiber, Abdelkhalek Oussama, Khalid Boutoial
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 267-278; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_3_2023full text
original article
Serum lactoferrin levels in abdominal obese postmenopausal women with normal bone status and osteopenia
Małgorzata Jamka, Edyta Mądry, Patrycja Krzyżanowska-Jankowska, Joanna Bajerska, Paweł Bogdański, Aleksandra Lisowska, Jarosław Walkowiak
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 279-292; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_3_2023full text
original article
Process optimization of a novel water kefir drink with high antioxidant activity from Chinese jujube (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.) Through response surface methodology
Lihao Xu, Guowei Shu, Chunji Dai, Jie Kang, Hongmin Jia, Xiaoxue Zhou, Jianghua Chen
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 293-303; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_3_2023full text
original article
The Nigerian meat industry: An overview of products’ market, fraud situations, and potential ways out
Bukola M. Adenuga, Magdalena Montowska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 305-329; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_3_2023full text
original article
The interactions between various drying temperatures and applied drying models of asparagus roots (Asparagus officinalis L.)
GGiang T. N. Nguyen, Khai V. Tran, Tuyen T. X. Vo, Tan D. Nguyen
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 331-340; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_3_2023full text
original article
Microwave-assisted extraction of “Cẩm” purple rice bran polyphenol: a kinetic study
Le Thi Kim Loan, Ngo Van Tai, Nguyen Minh Thuy
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 341-349; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_3_2023full text
original article
The effect of golden oyster mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus) powder on the physiochemical, antioxidative, and sensory properties of noodles
Tran Hong Quan, Giap Pham Ngoc Tram, Tran Tieu Yen, Nguyen Phung Tien, Pensiri Kaewthong,, Supatra Karnjanapratum
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 351-360; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_3_2023full text
original article
Chitosan flakes for papain immobilization: improving the stability and reusability of the enzyme
Carlos Banchón
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(3); 361-368; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_3_2023full text

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Issue 22 (4) 2023

October - December 2023
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Contents Issue 22 (4) 2023 - Contents
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original article
The formation of natural fruit and berry wine from jostaberries
Anastasiia Tokar, Iryna Haidai, Oksana Yushyna, Maryna Bilko, Nadiia Zahorko, Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 375-384; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_4_2023full text
original article
Laboratory validation of an LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of carbamate residues in vegetables
Vu Thi Hanh, Ngo Van Duong
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 385-394; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_4_2023full text
original article
Comparison of diafiltration-ultrafiltration and enzymatic preparation of soy protein isolate and its effects on beverage taste
Juan Yang
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 395-404; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_4_2023full text
original article
Postharvest effects on the physical quality and sensory characteristics of Coffea canephora
Sofía Velásquez, Carlos Banchón, Diana Farfán, José Guerrero-Casado
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 405-417; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_4_2023full text
original article
The migration of elements in wine treated with bentonites
Ivan Bakardzhiyski, Elisaveta Mladenova
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 419-429; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_4_2023full text
original article
Evaluation and improvement of antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of yogurt enriched with Persian gum (Amygdalus scoparia Spach) and fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) extrac
Haniyeh Moradi, Marjaneh Sedaghati, Nafiseh Jahanbakhshian
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 431-440; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_4_2023full text
review article
How does cocoa waste affect health? A systematic review
Rita Irma, Ridwan Amiruddin, Nurhaedar Jafar, Wahiduddin Wahiduddin, Gemini Alam, Toto Sudargo, Sudirman Nasir, Apik Indarty Moedjiono
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 441-454; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_4_2023full text
original article
Evaluation of the physical and biological properties of chitosan film combined with Chúc (Citrus hystrix DC.) peel essential oil
Do Minh Long, Le Pham Tan Quoc, Tran Thi Phuong Nhung, Tran Thi Huyen, Nguyen Le Quynh Nhu, Vuong Bao Thy
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 455-465; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_4_2023full text
original article
Quality improvement of noodles fortified with moringa leaf powder, konjac glucomannan, and acetylated starch
Nguyen Minh Thuy, Tran Ngoc Giau, Vo Quoc Tien, Hong Van Hao, Vo Quang Minh, Ngo Van Tai
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 467-476; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_4_2023full text
original article
Sea buckthorn plant as a functional food ingredient, with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Małgorzata Kania-Dobrowolska, Justyna Baraniak, Aleksander Siger
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2023; 22(4); 477-496; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_4_2023full text

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