Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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original articleIssue 19 (1) 2020 pp. 83-100

Sharmineh Sharafi1, Leila Nateghi1, Orang Eyvazzade1, Maryam Taj Abadi Ebrahimi2

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

The physicochemical, texture hardness and sensorial properties of ultrafiltrated low-fat cheese containing galactomannan and novagel gum


Background. Today’s demand for low-fat dairy products, especially cheeses with favorable qualitative properties such as high-fat cheese, has increased. The main goals of this research are to optimize the textural hardness properties of ultrafiltrated, low-fat cheese (7–9%), to investigate the possibility of its production with various concentrations of galactomannan and novagel (0.1–0.5%), and to assess the physicochemical, textural hardness and sensorial properties of the produced low-fat cheese in comparison with full-fat cheese.

Methods. The textural hardness of the cheeses was tested by a texture analyzer (Stable micro system TA.XT plus Texture, London, UK) equipped with a load cell of 5 kg. The pH values were measured using the      pH meter and acidity of the cheese samples according to AOAC standard no. 15004 (AOAC, 1995b). The moisture content and dry matter were measured according to AOAC standard number 920.124 (AOAC, 1995a) as well. The total protein was measured according to AOAC standard no. 991.20 (AOAC, 2005). The amounts of salt and ash were measured according to AOAC (1995a) standard no. 945.46 (AOAC, 1995b), respectively.

Results. The results show that the textural hardness properties and sensorial properties of the cheese treatment containing 9% fat, 0.5% galactomannan, and 0.3% novagel are very similar to selected control samples. Meanwhile, optimization of the textural properties of low-fat cheeses via the response-surface method shows that the treatment containing 9% fat, 0.32% novagel and 0.5% galactomannan fulfills the desirable properties of a full-fat cheese up to 100% desirability.

Conclusion. The results of this research also show that by using galactomannan and novagel in the formulation of low-fat cheese, it can be produced with favorable texture textural hardness and sensorial properties close to full-fat cheese.

Keywords: ultrafiltrated low-fat cheese, novagel, galactomannan, hydrocolloid
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For citation:

MLA Sharafi, Sharmineh, et al. "The physicochemical, texture hardness and sensorial properties of ultrafiltrated low-fat cheese containing galactomannan and novagel gum." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 19.1 (2020): 83-100.
APA Sharafi S., Nateghi L., Eyvazzade O., Ebrahimi Taj Abadi M. (2020). The physicochemical, texture hardness and sensorial properties of ultrafiltrated low-fat cheese containing galactomannan and novagel gum. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 19 (1), 83-100
ISO 690 SHARAFI, Sharmineh, et al. The physicochemical, texture hardness and sensorial properties of ultrafiltrated low-fat cheese containing galactomannan and novagel gum. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2020, 19.1: 83-100.