Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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Issue 13 (1) 2014

January - March 2014
Cover (Inner front) Issue 13 (1) 2014 - Cover (Inner front)


Milk proteins-derived bioactive peptides in dairy products: molecular, biological and methodological aspects
Bartłomiej Dziuba, Marta Dziuba
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 5-26; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_1_2014full text
Fortifi cation of white fl at bread with sprouted red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Kiruthika Viswanathan, Peter Ho
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 27-34; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_1_2014full text
Yoghurts with addition of selected vegetables: acidity, antioxidant properties and sensory quality
Dorota Najgebauer-Lejko, Tadeusz Grega, Małgorzata Tabaszewska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 35-42; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_1_2014full text
An addition of sourdough and whey proteins affects the nutritional quality of wholemeal wheat bread
Aneta Kopeć, Barbara Borczak, Mirosław Pysz, Elżbieta Sikora, Marek Sikora, Duska Curic, Dubravka Novotni
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 43-54; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_1_2014full text
Effect of lupine as cheese base substitution on technological and nutritional properties of processed cheese analogue
Rezik Azab Awad, Wafaa Mohammed Salama, Azza Mahmoud Farahat
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 55-64; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_1_2014full text
Prediction of some physical and drying properties of terebinth fruit (Pistacia atlantica L.) using Artifi cial Neural Networks
Mohammad Kaveh, Reza Amiri Chayjan
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 65-78; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_1_2014full text
Infl uence of thermal treatment on the stability of phenolic compounds and the microbiological quality of sucrose solution following osmotic dehydration of highbush blueberry fruits
Anna Kucner, Agnieszka Papiewska, Robert Klewicki, Michał Sójka, Elżbieta Klewicka
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 79-88; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_1_2014full text
Food and Drug Interactions: A General Review
Semih Otles, Ahmet Senturk
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 89-102; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_1_2014full text
Evaluation of nutritional and biochemical parameters in spontaneously hypertensive rats following antihypertensive treatment
Joanna Suliburska, Paweł Bogdański, Zbigniew Krejpcio
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 103-110; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_1_2014full text
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and not plant sterols naturally-occurring in food infl uence lipid profi le in obese women
Marta Stelmach-Mardas, Jarosław Walkowiak, Barbara Więckowska, Juliusz Przysławski
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(1); 111-117; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_1_2014full text

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Issue 13 (2) 2014

April - June 2014
Cover (Inner front) Issue 13 (2) 2014 - Cover (Inner front)
Contents Issue 13 (2) 2014 - Contents


Role of peroxidation and heme catalysis in coloration of raw meat
Alexander G. Shleikin, Yaroslav V. Medvedev
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 123-127; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_2_2014full text
Drying method effects on the antioxidant activity of quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) tea
Hamid Reza Gheisari, Khadijeh H. Abhari
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 129-134; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_2_2014full text
Effect of ethanolic fl ax (Linum usitatissimum L.) extracts on lipid oxidation and changes in nutritive value of frozen-stored meat products
Katarzyna Waszkowiak, Krystyna Szymandera-Buszka, Marzanna Hęś
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 135-144; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_2_2014full text
Optimization of extraction conditions of some polyphenolic compounds from parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum)
Paula Kuźma, Beata Drużyńska, Mieczysław Obiedziński
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 145-154; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_2_2014full text
Optimized microwave-assisted extraction of 6-gingerol from Zingiber officinale Roscoeand evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro
Wei Liu, Chun-Li Zhou, Jing Zhao, Dong Chen, Quan-Hong Li
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 155-168; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_2_2014full text
Biochemical and nutritional components of selected honey samples
Lee Suan Chua, Nur Ardawati Adnan
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 169-179; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_2_2014full text
Proteomic analysis of albumin and globulin fractions of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds
Jerzy Dziuba, Iwona Szerszunowicz, Dorota Nałęcz, Marta Dziuba
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 181-190; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_2_2014full text
Health effects of dietary fiber
Semih Ötles, Selin Ozgoz
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 191-202; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_2_2014full text
Effects of physical activity during pregnancy and gestational weight gain on newborn weight and length at birth in Warmińsko-Mazurskie province
Katarzyna Przybyłowicz, Mariusz Przybyłowicz, Marek Grzybiak, Katarzyna Janiszewska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 203-211; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_2_2014full text
Assessment of the risk of exposure to cadmium and lead as a result of the consumption of low-fat dairy products by expectant and lactating women
Anna Winiarska-Mieczan
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(2); 213-223; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_2_2014full text

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Issue 13 (3) 2014

July - September 2014
Cover (Inner front) Issue 13 (3) 2014 - Cover (Inner front)
Contents Issue 13 (3) 2014 - Contents


Effect of packaging and season of milk production on selected quality characteristics of organic acid curd cheese during storage
Małgorzata Jasińska, Katarzyna Harabin, Izabela Dmytrów
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 231-242; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_3_2014full text
Effect of technological factors on water activity of extruded corn product with an addition of whey proteins
Agnieszka Makowska, Dorota Cais-Sokolińska, Agata Lasik
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 243-247; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_3_2014full text
Use of indigenous technology for the production of High Quality Cassava Flour with similar food qualities as wheat flour
Ogbonnaya Chinedum Eleazu, Kate Chinedum Eleazu, Segun Kolawole
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 249-256; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_3_2014full text
Influence of extraction conditions on antioxidant properties of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) peel
Yuh Shan Wong, Chiaw Mei Sia, Hock Eng Khoo, Yee Kwang Ang, Sui Kiat Chang, Hip Seng Yim
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 257-265; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_3_2014full text
Isolation, purifi cation and characterisation of transglutaminase from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves
Mahmoud El-Hofi, Azza Ismail, Maher Nour, Osama Ibrahim
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 267-278; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_3_2014full text
Astaxanthin synthesis by Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous DSM 5626 and its astaxanthin overproducing mutants on xylose media under diferent illumination
Barbara Stachowiak
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 279-288; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_3_2014full text
The structure, occurrence and biological activity of ellagitannins: a general review
Lidia Lipińska, Elżbieta Klewicka, Michał Sójka
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 289-299; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_3_2014full text
Share of dietary supplements in nutrition of coeliac disease patients
Julita Reguła, Angelika Śmidowicz
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 301-307; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_3_2014full text
Comparison between the nutritional quality of flour obtained from raw, roasted and fermented sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed grown in Nigeria
Folasade Maria Makinde, Rahman Akinoso
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 309-319; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_3_2014full text
Characteristics of the peanut chain in Europe – implications for peanut allergy
Anna M. Prusak, Małgorzata Schlegel-Zawadzka, Annabelle Boulay, Gene Rowe
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(3); 321-333; DOI:
abstract nr 10 abstractpdf 10_3_2014full text

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Issue 13 (4) 2014

October - December 2014
Cover (Inner front) Issue 13 (4) 2014 - Cover (Inner front)
Contents Issue 13 (4) 2014 - Contents
Reviewers Reviewers - 2014


review article
Methods to increase the rate of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of foods
Anna Chwastek
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 341-350; DOI:
abstract nr 1 abstractpdf 1_4_2014full text
original article
Screening of probiotic goat milk tablets using Plackett-Burman design
He Chen, Jianhua Zhang, Guowei Shu
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 351-358; DOI:
abstract nr 2 abstractpdf 2_4_2014full text
original article
Health stimulating properties of the most popular soft cheese in Egypt Kariesh made using skimmed milk UF-retentate and probiotics
A. E. Fayed, Azza M. Farahat, A. E. Metwally, M. S. Massoud and A. O. Emam
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 359-373; DOI:
abstract nr 3 abstractpdf 3_4_2014full text
original article
New-vista in finding antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property of crude protein extract from Sauropus androgynus leaf
Chakkere Shivamadhu Madhu, Honnayakanahalli Marichenne Gowda Manukumar, Puttalingaiah Basavaraju
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 375-383; DOI:
abstract nr 4 abstractpdf 4_4_2014full text
review article
Antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates from raw and heat-treated yellow string beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Monika Karaś, Anna Jakubczyk, Urszula Szymanowska, Małgorzata Materska, Ewelina Zielińska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 385-391; DOI:
abstract nr 5 abstractpdf 5_4_2014full text
original article
Thiamine losses during storage of pasteurised and sterilized model systems of minced chicken meat with addition of fresh and oxidized fat, and antioxidants
Krystyna Szymandera-Buszka, Marzanna Hęś, Katarzyna Waszkowiak, Anna Jędrusek-Golińska
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 393-401; DOI:
abstract nr 6 abstractpdf 6_4_2014full text
original article
Influence of the marinating type on the morphological and sensory properties of horse meat
Dessislava B. Vlahova-Vangelova, Sholpan Abjanova, Stefan G. Dragoev
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 403-411; DOI:
abstract nr 7 abstractpdf 7_4_2014full text
review article
Properties of probiotics and encapsulated probiotics in food
V. Hazal Ozyurt, Semih Ötles
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 413-424; DOI:
abstract nr 8 abstractpdf 8_4_2014full text
original article
Effect of probiotics and thyme essential oil on the essential amino acid content of the broiler chicken meat
Ebrahim Alfaig, Maria Angelovičova, Martin Kral, Ondrej Bučko
Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. 2014; 13(4); 425-432; DOI:
abstract nr 9 abstractpdf 9_4_2014full text

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