Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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Issue 12 (4) 2013 pp. 355-358

Grigoriy Ternovskoy1, Lina Kuznetsova1, Alexander Shleikin2, Aleksandra Martinovic3, Ludmila Oreshko4

1State Research Institute of Baking Industry of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg National Research University of ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia
University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg, Russia

Application of sour dough in the production of gluten free bread



Background.Recent epidemiological studies show a high incidence of diseases associated with disturbances in protein metabolism, causing gluten intolerance and consequently the occurrence of celiac disease. Gluten, as a specific protein fraction of wheat, rye, barley and oats, cannot be metabolized in gastrointestinal tract of patients suffering from celiac disease. The prevalence of this disease in  economically developed countries of Europe and some others is more than 0.5-1% of entire population. In Russia, celiac disease is considered as rare low incidence disease with occurrence of 1 per 5 to 10 thousand children. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of application of new technology for gluten free bread production.
Material  and methods. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria (BB) were used as microbial compositions in the gluten-free baking technology. Gluten free bread, made with bacterial and yeast sour dough compositions, was tested for its physical and chemical properties and resistance to spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms during storage.
Results.The preparation of the dough with sour dough containing yeast improved structural properties and taste of the bread. Enrichment by vitamins increased the nutritive value of gluten-free product. Sour doughs increased the acidity and improved the flavor and stability of the experimental bread.
Conclusion.This study indicates that gluten free bread manufactured with sour dough, shows higher sensory and structural-mechanical properties when compared to some control samples. The obtained research results demonstrate the positive influenceof bacterial starter cultures to overall quality of gluten free bread, creating the sound foundation for their future application in the bread making industry.


Keywords: celiac disease, gluten-free bread, sour dough
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For citation:

MLA Ternovskoy, Grigoriy, et al. "Application of sour dough in the production of gluten free bread." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 12.4 (2013): 355-358.
APA Ternovskoy G., Kuznetsova L., Shleikin A., Martinovic A., Oreshko L. (2013). Application of sour dough in the production of gluten free bread. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 12 (4), 355-358
ISO 690 TERNOVSKOY, Grigoriy, et al. Application of sour dough in the production of gluten free bread. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2013, 12.4: 355-358.