Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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Privacy Statement - GDPR

We would like to inform you how we manage your personal date in relation to General Data Protection Regulation.


Who is the Data Administrator?

The Data Administrator of personal date is Poznan University of Life Sciences.

What is the purpose of processing of your data?

Processing of personal data allows to provide services i.a. maintaining an account of the author or the reviewer, fulfillment of our goals i.e. publishing of scientific papers and communication, needed for that purpose and the distribution of newsletter.

In particular we process personal data in order to:

The personal data are processed in digital environment, which means, that they can be stored and processed also temporarily in order to assure the safety and correct performance of IT systems, e.g. in connection with preparing the backup, performing of implementation tests of IT systems, protecting form attacks and misuses.

How long are personal data stored by Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria?

The personal data will be stored during the whole performance of our tasks (publishing of scientific papers), so it means as long as the journal Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. will exist. Additionally, after dissolution of agreement, personal data will be stored in compliance with regulations and obligations resulting from tax and bookkeeping regulations to the end of duration of validity as well as to the end of legally binding period of prescription.

If the lawful basis for processing of your data is your agreement, your data will be processed until the moment of withdrawing of this consent (information on this subject can be found above in section “What is the purpose of processing of your data?”. The consent can be withdrawn by you at any moment. The withdrawing of the consent does not influence the legality of processing of the personal data before the withdrawing of the consent. In case you would like to withdraw your consent, please send us e-mail or letter to the address given in section “How can you contact with us?”

Whom do we give access to your personal data?

The part of personal date of authors, members of Scientific Board of Journal, i.a. first name, last name, scientific affiliation, business address, business e-mail address are extended in public on our Internet sites, in papers editions and distributed only in relation to associated scientific papers. The lawful basis of these activities is necessity of the performance of our goals (Article 6.1.b. GDPR).

The lack of consent of processing and publishing of above mentioned date cause the lack of possibility of realization of our goals i.e. publishing of scientific papers. The detailed regulations are accessible in separate contracts, i.a. Declaration of authors, Declaration of reviewers, Declarations of members of Scientific Board.

What are your rights?

You have several rights in connection with processing of your personal data by Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria:

If you think that the processing and collecting your personal date by us infringe your rights, please give us information. We try to react to any remarks and suggestions of our Users. You have also the right to lodge an application to supervisory body (Chairman of Personal Date Protection Office).

How can you contact with us?

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria appointed a data protection officer - Tomasz Napierała, who can be reached by . In any case related to processing of your personal data. Additionally you can always contact us to following address: Poznan University of Life Sciences, ul. Wojska Polskiego 28, Poznań, POLAND


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