The manuscript
The manuscript should be arranged according to the following pattern:
First document (main file) - The authors are fully responsible for the manuscript anonymization
Title (please use capital letters only when needed).
- Up to 6 key words.
- Structured summary. The summary should be divided into small chapters:
- Background. Why the study was initiated? Why this type of study is needed? and What is the aim of the present paper?
- Material and methods.
- Results, principal.
- Conclusion (with a closing remarks – What is the importance of the present findings? and What directions it sets for future research?). Please note that the Conclusion is not a summary of the results, but a more general statement. While writing the summary please keep in mind that it may be also reprinted separately by abstracting/indexing journals or databases.
In research notes or review articles a short conventional abstract should be written instead of a structured summary.
- The main text should include: Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, References, tables, and figures. Figure captions (including full legend describing the figure and explaining all the symbols used) must be pasted below respective figures (do not repeat them). An excess of headings and subheadings should be avoided. Only generic and specific names should be set in italics. Any issue not covered by the present instruction should be resolved based on the APA system and The scientific style and format. The CBE manual for authors, editors, and publishers [1994, Cambridge Univ. Press].
- The authors are fully responsible for the manuscript anonymization
- Names of authors, email addresses and affiliations must be removed,
- Do not mention any dedications or acknowledgements,
- Do not add any page headers or footers that would identify you,
- Remove all personal identifiers from your files such as MS Word® documents and other attachements (Figures and Tables). See->
Additional document (obligatory if you sent manuscript to email)
- Names of authors (with first names spelled out, middle names as initial, and last name CAPITALIZED).
- Affiliations of all authors (department or faculty, university, adress, country, e-mail addresses).
- ORCID id for all authors (if exist, see ->
- Detailed corresponding address (street, post code, city, country, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address).
- Important! Obligatory! Funding Source Declaration (funding agency e.g. university or research grants and their source received in the course of study)
- Possibly Acknowledgements
Manuscript preparation
- Manuscripts for publishing in Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria must confirm to the manuscript proceedings. All submitted papers written in English must be prepared according to the following rules.
- Paper length – in general papers should not exceed 12 pages (A4-format) inclusive of tables and illustrations (standard margins 2.5 cm).
- Manuscripts’ style – the use of font type of Times New Roman and size of 12pt. 1.5-spaced is required. Font styles like bold and italic are accepted but without underlying of letters, words and sentences.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages and lines;
- Tables and illustrations should not exceed 16.5 cm × 19.5 cm. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript (e.g. in graphs) and include only essential data with appropriate statistical values. Tables and illustrations should be numbered consistently and given a suitable caption and each one presented on a separate sheet. Illustration best to be sent in authentic source files (e.g. if a drawing has been created in Corel Draw or Excel, you are kindly asked to attach it in the files of these programs).
- Tables descriptions, descriptions of illustrations and figures must be written in English. Tables’ and figures’ numbers in Arabic numerals.
- Units: the SI system should be used, e.g. g·dm-3 or g/dm3.
Literature references - if you use manager citations (EndNote, Mendeley etc.), please use style "American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers"
- Literature references in text – the author’s last names and year of publications should be given in brackets, e.g. (Kowalski and Lewandowski, 2000; Lewandowski, 2001; Zalewski et al., 2003) or “...according to Kowalski (2000)”. The cited literature should be published in scientific papers of international range and only exceptionally the manuals positions should be included. Literature references should not be given in illustrations, figures, tables and under the page. All literature data mentioned in the text must be given in the literature references. The number of cited publications should be limited to the indispensable minimum. The publisher reserves the right to the abbreviations and changes.
- Literature references – must be listed alphabetically in the form as following: the author’s (authors’), last name(-s) with initials, year of publication (if more than one publication of the same authors, each should be marked by the letter a, b, c, etc. placed after year), article’s title (original Polish and translated into English), place, volume number, issue number, page numbering.
Brisson, G. J. (1982). Lipid in human nutrition. Lancaster, England: MTP Press.
Desai, J. D., Banat, I. (1997). Microbial production of surfactants and their commercial potential. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev., 61, 1, 47–64.
Devi, E., Vyan, R. (1999). A motivational approach to self. In A. Dentviar (Ed.), Vienna Symposium on Motivation. Vol. 8. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 27–58). Vienna: University of Valido Press.
Huffman, D. L. (1993). The development of low-fat ground products. 39ICoMST. Abstracts and Review Papers. Session 7. 1–6 August, Calgary, 293–303.
Kobus-Moryson, M., Gramza-Michałowska, A. (2015). Directions on the use of stevia leaves (Stevia rebauidana) as an additive in food products. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment., 14(1), 5–13.
Nowakowski, D. (Ed.). (2007). Żywienie człowieka [Human nutrition]. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Zachodniego [in Polish].
Leja, M., Mareczek, A., Nanaszko, B. (2007). Antyoksydacyjne właściwości owoców wybranych gatunków dziko rosnących drzew i krzewów [Antioxidant properties of selected species of wild grown trees and bushes]. Rocz. AR Pozn., 383, 41, 327-331 [in Polish].
Pikul, J., Cais-Sokolińska, D., Górecka, D., Flaczyk, E. (2006). Mleko i koncentraty mleczne [Milk and milk concentrates]. In E. Flaczyk, D. Górecka, J. Korczak (Eds.), Towaroznawstwo produktów spożywczych (Vol. 1, pp. 59–84). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej [in Polish].
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). 2012. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
Telstra Research Laboratories. (1993). New horizon: 1993 annual report. Clayton: Telstra Research Laboratories.
Wilsson, A. (2003). Technical analysis in bakery. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Cape Town, Cape Town.
All titles must be original (e.g. Polish) and translated into English.
DOI number (digital object identifier) for all references is required (if exist).
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
Original papers should not contain more than 30 references.
Review articles should not contain more than 60 references.