Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

ISSN:1644-0730, e-ISSN:1898-9594

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Issue 7 (1) 2008 pp. 5-17

Elżbieta Sikora, Ewa Cieślik, Kinga Topolska

Agricultural University of Cracow

The sources of natural antioxidants

Abstract Intensive oxidative processes occuring in human organism lead to formation of oxygen reactive forms, which can damage systemic cells and tissues. It is shown, that body endogenous protective system can be supported in that case by natural antioxidant compounds provided from food. The assessment of food products as the potential sources of antioxidants was performed, taking into consideration the kinds of compounds supplied, and their significance in the diet of different nations.
Keywords: antioxidants, polyphenols, source of antioxidants in diet
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For citation:

MLA Sikora, Elżbieta, et al. "The sources of natural antioxidants." Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 7.1 (2008): 5-17.
APA Sikora E., Cieślik E., Topolska K. (2008). The sources of natural antioxidants. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment. 7 (1), 5-17
ISO 690 SIKORA, Elżbieta, CIEśLIK, Ewa, TOPOLSKA, Kinga. The sources of natural antioxidants. Acta Sci.Pol. Technol. Aliment., 2008, 7.1: 5-17.